Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tip # 9

This is post is for flyers in cheer! STAY TIGHT! No matter what! If you don't you could fall! That would be bad!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Inkom Parade and Good Luck!!!

Today I cheered in the Inkom Parade. I had a bkast. I am looking forward to three more this Summer.

Just a reminder to be the best dancer, singer, cheerleader, you can be. Good Luck!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cheer Camp!

This past week was Cheer Camp at EP ATHLETICS. It started at 9am and ended at 6pm. I came home tired and sore everyday. I had a blast and my team and I brought home a lot of material.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


Have you ever cheered before? Well, if you have you know what I am talking about. This past week I have had cheer practice three days in a row. On the last day I had to do a cradle. A cradle is where you are doing an extension prep and your bases throw you into the air and catch you. It was a scary experience.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dance Over?

I have danced for seven years and now it is about to come to an end? I t doesn't seem right but, it's true. My dance studio is closing! I will still give tips but, some might be about cheer though because I made the middle school cheer team. Thanks for the Support and Love.


Thursday, February 11, 2010


As MaKady earlier posted, you need to know the basics of dancing to really be able to dance. You should know the beats, basic steps, and the list goes on. Keep Dancing!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dancer tip # 8

Dancer tip # 8 is................Learn the basics. If you don't learn the basics you won't progress.